Network Members


An Ally is an aligned agent who participates in the network by reading and sharing content published through the network architecture, following the network’s events and activities and advocating for the application of the network’s innovations in their local jurisdiction. The engagement process for an Ally is signing the OpenCivics Pledge and subscribing to OpenCivics online publishing platforms. An Ally has access to public communications channels and public subscription services.


A Sponsor is an aligned agent who participates in the network by contributing financial or intellectual capital into the network via currency or consultation. The engagement process for a Sponsor is donating resources to the OpenCivics Network. A Sponsor has access to some private communications channels and private subscription services.

Collaborative Initiative Members


A contributor is an aligned agent who participates in the network by contributing work to a specific OpenCivics collaborative initiative. The engagement process for a contributor is referal by an existing Consortium Member to contribute to one or more OpenCivics collaborative initiatives. A contributor has access to private communications channels, private subscription services, and the member directory.

Consortium Members


Citizens are consortium members who participate in the network by proposing collaborative initiatives and participating in network governance and fund allocation. Citizens have access to private communications channels, private subscription services, the member directory, and voting on tactical proposals. Citizen are devoted network members who hold responsibility for the network as a whole. The engagement process for a citizen is approval by a Steward and remaining in good standing with the Constitution. A Citizen has access to all private communications channels, private subscription services, the member directory, voting on governance and tactical proposals, and proposing collaborative initiatives.


A steward is responsible for maintaining network function. Their full-time devotional labor stewards the scaffolding, funding, and administration of the network. The engagement process for a steward is being selected by the OpenCivics Foundation Board and remaining in good standing with the Constitution. A steward has admin access to all private communications channels, private subscription services, and the member directory.


Advisors are strategic organizational stewards who provide high level consultation on the consortium’s overarching vision and delegate authority to OpenCivics’ Stewards. As vision and strategy contributors, Advisors meet annually in a transparent “fish bowl” council to review the accomplishments of the consortium over the previous year and provide feedback on the next year’s strategic goals. Advisors are empowered to represent the Consortium as fundraisers and public advocates. As delegates of authority, they elect OpenCivics’ stewards on a biennial basis. The OpenCivics Advisor Board will be composed of no more than nine participants and should include a diverse range of experience, domain expertise, and perspective. Advisors are experts in civic innovation with a track record of influence and contribution to the stewardship of civilizational systems.

As an open network, OpenCivics promotes the transparent collaboration of all agents seeking the mutual benefits of free association in service of their shared mission.

The roles of Ally and Sponsor are designed for individuals who may not themselves be engaged in civic innovation but are aligned with the principles of the network and want to apply civic innovations in their local community or advocate for their adoption at national or international scales.