
The OpenCivics grant round utilized quadratic funding principles to distribute matching funds to various projects based on the number of contributions they received. This analysis provides insights into the distribution of crowdfunded donations and matching funds among the participating projects.

Click here to view the automatically generated Gitcoin Report Card for the round.

Matching Funds

The bar chart illustrates the distribution of matched funds among various projects.

  1. Pact.social - $2898.12
  2. Ogallala Life - $2898.12
  3. Latticework Labs - $2898.12
  4. ZK DeCiv Toolkit - $2731.59
  5. ViaPrize - $2423.60
  6. Ethereal Forest is Building PDX DAO as a Public Utility - $2048.87
  7. DAO Coalition - $2038.45
  8. RadicalxChange Foundation - $2007.37
  9. The Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 1 - $1760.87
  10. ReCommon - $1520.93
  11. Bloom Network - $1294.99
  12. WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta - $1197.95
  13. Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices - $1141.23
  14. Re-Public: Personal Data Utilities for Humans - $1110.22
  15. Mechanism Institute - $1010.77